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ISSN : 1229-6783(Print)
ISSN : 2288-1484(Online)
Journal of the Korea Safety Management & Science Vol.15 No.4 pp.217-224

변혁적 리더십과 안전참여의 관계에서 안전동기의 매개효과

안 관 영*
*상지대학교 경영학과

The mediating effect of safety motivation on the relationship between transformational leadership and safety participation

Kwan-Young Ahn*
*Department of Business Administration, Sangji University
Received October 20, 2013; Revision Received November 28, 2013; Accepted November 11, 2013.


This paper reviewed the relationship among safety-specific transformational leadership, safety motivation, andsafety participation, and the mediating effect of safety motivation between transformational leadership andsafety participation. Based on the responses from 233 employees, the results of multiple regression analysisappeared as follow; 1) charisma, individual consideration, intellectual stimulation, and inspiration effect positivelyon safety motivation. 2) safety motivation effects positively on safety participation. 3) safety motivationmediates fully between charisma/inspirationand safety participation. 4) safety motivation mediates partlybetween individual consideration/intellectual stimulation and safety participation.


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